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Within the framework of scientific and innovative work at the Department of Ecobiotechnology and Biotechnology, research works financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine were performed:
Photobioelectrochemical conversion of waste and bio-raw materials to produce electricity and energy2013 – 2014.
State registration number of the topic – 0113U001650, NTUU “KPI” – 2661-p.
Scientific adviser – Ph.D., prof. Kuzminsky EV
The essence of development:
According to the results of the research, the newest technological schemes of bioelectrochemical conversion of waste and bio-raw materials will be developed with the production of electric energy and energy carriers, which combine different biotechnological approaches in the implementation of energy conversion processes using microorganisms, algae and eukaryotic organisms. So far, only a few components of the technology have been developed, whereas the combination of them and the development of integrated bioelectrochemical systems for the transformation of energy will be the first and no analogues in the world.
Biotechnological production of energy and energy from waste of various origin2011-2012
State registration number of the topic – 0111U000672, NTUU “KPI” – 2444-p.
Scientific adviser – Ph.D., prof. Kuzminsky EV
The essence of development, the main results:
Anaerobic-aerobic technology of purification of highly concentrated wastewater with associated biotechnological production of electricity and hydrogen has been developed. The technology differs from the existing ones in that it is implemented in the system of bioreactors with the creation of hydrobiocenoses of microorganisms in them, organized in a bioconveyor and immobilized on synthetic media with a developed surface area. In addition, at the anaerobic stage of purification, a bioelectrochemical system is built in, which enables the realization of electricity and energy through microorganisms and their enzyme systems. This makes it possible to create a competitive combined system for receiving energy and energy from waste for domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants.
Biotechnology of wastewater treatment of various origins with simultaneous generation of electricity2009 – 2010
State registration number of the topic – 0109V000974, NTUU “KPI” – 2264-p
Scientific adviser – Ph.D., prof. Kuzminsky EV
The essence of development, the main results:
A multi-stage anaerobic-aerobic sewage treatment technology was developed and implemented on the treatment plants of Slavutsk Malt Plant in Slavuta. 2-5 times purification, reduce the likelihood of swelling of free-floating activated sludge, provide higher quality of purified water, increase the concentration b yomasses. Due to the use of anaerobic process and bioconveyor, there is a reduction in air consumption and, accordingly, electricity by 2-3 times, as well as a decrease in sludge growth (30% – 50%). The developed biotechnology is ecologically safe – it has little impact on the environment.
«Energy Transformation – Bioenergy – Ecobiotechnology»
Founder of the School “Transformation of Energy – Bioenergy – Ecobiotechnology”:
Eugene Kuzminsky, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Member of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, American and International Electrochemical Societies, New York Academy of Sciences, Scientific Council of NAS of Ukraine, NAS a number of scientists and specialized scientific councils, Independent expert of INTAS, editorial boards of scientific journals (International Scientific and Technical Journal “Scientific News of the National Technical University of Ukraine” KPI “, Scientific Bulletin Fedkovych Chernivtsi University).
Range of scientific interests: specialist in the field of energy conversion; specialization: bioenergy, electrochemistry, biophysics, thermodynamics, thermoelectric phenomena, thermogalvanic, solar and biofuel elements, chemical current sources, environmental technologies.
Leading school scientists:
L.A. Sabliy is a doctoral candidate of the department (2009-2011, doctoral thesis on the topic “Physico-chemical and biological treatment of highly concentrated sewage” was prepared in time and in 2012, scientific adviser is Prof. Kuzminsky EV), today – professor of the department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Member of the Doctoral Specialized Scientific Council at the Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry. AV Dumansky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He is the author of more than 230 scientific works, including more than 20 copyright certificates and patents for inventions. Has prepared 5 Candidates of Sciences. Her many years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work is summarized in 2 monographs: “Ecological biotechnology of sewage treatment and cultivation of forage organisms” (2011) and “Physico-chemical and biological treatment of highly concentrated sewage” (2013), 2 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 7 training manuals and 25 other methodological developments. Her work allowed to solve an important economic problem of purification of highly concentrated sewage by establishing rational conditions and limits of application of physicochemical methods before using modern biological processes, development and introduction of technology of complex purification of highly concentrated sewage by organic pollution.
N.B. Golub is an associate professor of the department, a doctoral candidate – an applicant (2011-2014), a candidate of chemical sciences, an associate professor, an associate dean of the FTT and the head of the department. He is the author of more than 110 scientific works, including 10 patents of Ukraine, a textbook “Biophysics” with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 4 manuals (3 with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), more than 10 other methodical publications, including for entrants. Bioenergy specialist. He is engaged in the issues of microbiological synthesis of energy and energy from organic waste, the development of technology of cultivation of microalgae. It pays attention to the study of the biochemical component of energy transformation processes. Doctoral dissertation on the topic “Complex processing of bioenergy raw materials for the production of gaseous and liquid energy carriers” has been prepared for defense, and the scientific consultant is prof. Kuzminsky EV