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Department of bioenergy, bioinformatics and environmental biotechnology
"Transformation of types of energy - bioenergy - environmental biotechnology"
Founder of the school "Transformation of types of energy - bioenergetics - environmental biotechnology": Kuzminsky Yevhen Vasyliovych, doctor of chemical sciences, professor, member of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, the American and International Electrochemical Societies, the New York Academy of Sciences, the scientific council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the problem of "Electrochemistry", a number of scientists and specialized scientific councils, Independent expert of INTAS, editorial boards of scientific journals (International Scientific and Technical Journal "Scientific News of the National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI", Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi University named after Yu. Fedkovich),
E.V. Kuzminsky is active in scientific and organizational activities, has the 5th rank of civil servant: worked in the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR as a scientific consultant in chemistry and chemical technology (1980-1983), director of the Scientific and Engineering Center "Technoelectrochem" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1990-1997), head Secretariat of the Council on Science and Scientific and Technical Policy under the President of Ukraine (1997-2004), Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology for Scientific Work (2001-2005).
E.V. Kuzminsky is the author of more than 260 scientific publications, including 30 USSR copyrights and Ukrainian patents, including articles in J. Electroanal. Chem., J. Power Sources, Solid State Ionics, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Journal of Applied Chemistry, Direct Conversion of Different Types of Energy, Journal of Inorganic Chemistry and a number of domestic scientific journals. His extensive long-term experience in scientific and pedagogical work is summarized in 4 monographs: "Non-isothermality of electrochemical systems" (1997), "Unconventional electrochemical energy conversion systems" (2002), "Bioelectrochemical production of electrical energy and hydrogen" (2012) and Bioelectrochemical Hydrogen and Electricity Production.
Circle of scientific interests: specialist in the field of energy conversion; specialization: bioenergy, electrochemistry, biophysics, thermodynamics, thermoelectric phenomena, thermogalvanic, solar and biofuel cells, chemical current sources, environmental protection technologies.
He is one of the founders of the Scientific and Engineering Center "Technoelectrochem" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1990) - an organization for the creation of new generation lithium current sources and the Department of Eco-Biotechnology and Bioenergetics of NTUU "KPI" (2004), which was one of the first to obtain the license right and carried out the first in Ukraine, graduations of bachelors, specialists and masters in the specialty "Ecological biotechnology and bioenergy".
The main developments of the school: the theory describing the relationship between the main parameters of the electrochemical system and thermoelectric effects in relation to the processes of direct conversion of thermal and chemical energy into electrical energy; development of the theory of thermal efficiency of high-energy chemical current sources; criteria for predictive assessment of energy conversion capacity and purposeful selection of electroactive materials for the positive electrode of lithium current sources. These works also had a great applied value - the development of the theory of thermal productivity, the substantiation of criteria for the predictive assessment of energy conversion capacity, and the results of research into various classes of electrochemical systems of galvanic and thermogalvanic elements served as the basis for the development, production at the facilities of the Technoelectrochem Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and the introduction into production of electrode manufacturing technologies materials, multicomponent organic electrolytes, regulations for the safe operation of high-energy lithium current sources, etc.
In the 2000s, these works were further implemented in the development of biofuel cells and hydrogen topics at the Department of Ecobiotechnology and Bioenergy. Biofuel cells are another example of solving energy problems on a bioenergy basis - they are devices in which the energy of chemical bonds is directly converted into electric current through biochemical transformations. Biofuel elements can potentially solve, in addition to energy, environmental problems of waste disposal, as the enzyme systems of microorganisms are capable of destroying almost all low- and high-molecular compounds. Therefore, during the operation of such installations, sewage is cleaned and electricity or bio-hydrogen is simultaneously generated. According to the research results, the latest bioelectrochemical method of obtaining hydrogen was developed, the rational parameters of biotechnological hydrogen production in the processes of cleaning various wastewaters were substantiated.
In 2009-2014 on the basis of theoretical analysis of the processes of physical, chemical and biological purification and taking into account the peculiarities of the composition of highly concentrated wastewater from various industries (leather, fur, textile, food, and others), complex technologies have been created that ensure high-quality purification of wastewater to the standards of discharge into the reservoir. Analytical and mathematical modeling established functional interrelationships between hydrodynamic and structural parameters of bioreactors. Effective ecologically oriented technologies of preliminary physico-chemical purification followed by biological purification using the anaerobic-aerobic method in a direct-flow system of bioreactors with immobilized microorganisms were developed, investigated in experimental and production conditions, and implemented.
Department of Bitechnics and Engineering
"Applied aspects of resonance phenomena of wave matching in the acoustic environment of the polyaggregate structure"
Leader: Doctor of Science, Professor Melnyk Victoria Mykolayivna, Head of the Department of Biotechnology and Engineering.
The scientific school of the department was started by its first head, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Karachun in 2001, when the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biotechnology was created.
State budget topic 2016
No. F66/11985 "Suborbital and atmospheric hypersonic technologies and TERRA-aeronautical problems in solving national security interests"
2016 (0217U00036) Supervisor: V.M. Melnyk
The objectives of the research are to establish the regularities of the flow of heat and mass exchange processes using new physical methods of influence, in particular ultrasound, for intensification, improvement of quality and increase of product yield, reduction of energy consumption in biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries.
Areas of scientific activity:
• Theoretical foundations of heat and mass exchange processes occurring under ultrasound conditions in biotechnological and pharmaceutical industry equipment (statics, kinetics, dynamics) using new physical methods of influence, in particular ultrasound. Development of new, improvement of existing processes and equipment for their implementation.
• New theoretical and experimental methods of researching processes occurring under ultrasound conditions in the equipment of biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries.
• Physical, computer, mathematical modeling of processes; , occurring under ultrasound conditions in the equipment of biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries.
• Theoretical rationale for the development of equipment for the industrial production of vaccines, new medical drugs, monoclonal antibodies, diagnostics, and other products created on the basis of achievements in molecular biology, genetic and cellular engineering.
• Research and implementation of new environmentally safe, resource- and energy-saving processes; equipment of biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries.
• Improvement of technological and structural parameters (productivity, energy intensity, metal intensity, etc.) of biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries.
• Theoretical rationale for the development of equipment for biotechnological methods of cleaning the environment and waste disposal of various industrial productions, designing ecosystems, obtaining new sources of energy.