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History of the department foundation
History of foundation of department takes beginning from 1990, when first in Ukraine in the Kiev polytechnic institute on the department of general chemistry (Headed by prof. Krasutskiy P.O.) the department of biotechnology was created. In 1992 according of the order of Ministry of Education of Ukraine new speciality «Biotechnology» was opened. At the same time the department of general chemistry was renamed on the department of general and bioorganic chemistry and carried out the first set of students-biotechnologists.
From 1998 the Head of department was become by Dr. Shynkarenko L. M. The first issue of specialists-biotechnologists was carried out in the same year. From a next year part of department was selected in separate subsection – department of biotechnology, on the base of which the first in Ukraine faculty of biotechnology and biotechnics was created in 2001 year. The first Dean of the faculty was become by Dr. Shynkarenko L. M. From 2001 year a department got the name of Industrial biotechnology.
From 2006 a department was headed by prof. Dugan Oleksij Martem’yanovich, which became the Dean of faculty also. From 2015 year the leader of department is an associate professor, Dr. Todosiichuk Tetiana Sergeevna, and among the employees of department 4 professors, 6 associate professors, 3 senior teachers and 2 assistants which prepare specialists and master’s degrees on speciality of «Biotechnology and bioengineering», specialization the «Industrial biotechnology».
The department prepared more than 500 specialists biotechnologists, 10 candidates of science during that time. Graduates of department have been working at the leading industrial enterprises biotechnological and pharmaceutical branch, at the university, have been creating the new preparations and technologies at research institutes of National academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
In times of existence a department prepared more than 500 specialists-biotechnologists, more 10 candidates of sciences (PhD), prepares post-doktor candidates. The graduating students of department work on the leading industrial enterprises of biotekhnolology and pharmaceutical industry, teach in higher educational establishments, create new preparations and technologies in the research institutes of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine.
It is possible to examine the scientific directions of researches of teachers and scientific student’s groups of department HERE