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Biotechnical engineers design modern equipment for pharmaceutical and biotechnological productions, carry out engineering for the implementation of this equipment at enterprises with further maintenance and service, and are also engaged in installation, commissioning, adjustment and certification of both domestic and foreign equipment.
In addition to the design and operation of production equipment (such as bioreactors, separators, tablet presses, heat exchangers, dryers, etc.), industrial robots for current lines, biotechnologists acquire skills in using computer-aided design systems (ANSYS, SolidWorks, AutoCad, OpenFoam) for confirmation of operability and reliability of systems.
Biotechnical engineers are familiar with the international and domestic regulatory framework for certification and validation of equipment, perform technical examination of equipment, and therefore can apply their knowledge in modern enterprises and firms in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, food industries and design organizations of Ukraine and the world (PJSC "PHARMAC ", Corporation "ARTERIUM", PJSC" DARNYTSYA", PJSC"BIOPHARMA", LLC" YURIA-PHARM","UNIPHARMA", OJSC" OBOLON ", PJSC" KALSBERG UKRAINE ", etc.).
If you want to study at the Department of Biotechnology and Engineering after receiving a bachelor's degree, you can enter the National Technical University of Ukraine " Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " for the 5th year (1st year of master's degree). You will receive the next level of higher education - the master's level. Training at this educational level lasts 1 year 4 months or 1 year 9 months, depending on the chosen program of study - educational-professional or educational-scientific. The educational-professional training program is the preparation of masters of a certain field of knowledge for further professional work, the educational-scientific training program is designed for further scientific work of the graduate of the master's degree.
Then you need to register for the compilation of OET from May 12 to June 5, 2020, including the use of the system "Electronic Campus" for graduates of Igor Sikorsky KPI this year and using e-mail for graduates of previous years. https://pk.kpi.ua/dates-master/
OET - the only entrance test in a foreign language, conducted in the format of external evaluation.
July 1, 2020 - the beginning of registration of electronic cabinets.
Pass the entrance exams from July 23-26, 2020.
The additional entrance exam for admission to the master's program has been canceled!
List of documents required for registration:
· Passport or other identity document (original and copies of 1, 2 pages + 11 (registration) for paper passport, for ID card - copy of card and Extract of registration);
· Identification code (original and copy);
· Bachelor's degree (specialist, master's degree) and supplement to it - if available (original and copies);
· In case of absence of the diploma - the certificate from educational institution about the approximate term of the termination and reception of the diploma with the indication of a code of a direction of preparation (specialty) and the name;
· 2 color 3x4 photos.
List of documents for admission:
· Passport or other document certifying citizenship (original and copies)
· Bachelor's degree (original and copies)
· Supplement to the bachelor's degree (original and copies)
· Creative achievements, if any (scientific articles in the chosen specialty)
· Military document (for boys; original and copies)
· Identification code (original and copies)
· Four photos
Copies are certified by the selection committees of faculties and institutes in the presence of the original. Copies of documents must be left to submit documents to the selection committees.
Working information on the website of the admissions committee of KPI Igor Sikorsky
We will be glad to see you among our students !!!