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About the faculty

History of the department foundation

       The history of the department foundation was beginning since 1990, when for the first time in Ukraine at the Kiev polytechnical institute on department of general chemistry (headed by prof. Krasutsky Pavel Alekseevich) as a part of Chemical and technological faculty, was created the biotechnology section. The new specialty "Biotechnology" was opening in 1992 on the grounds of the order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. The department of  general chemistry was renamed  to the department of general and biorganic chemistry at the same time and realized the first admission of the student-biotechnologists.

     Dr. Shinkarenko Lyubov Nikolaevna became the head of the department since 1998. The first graduates of specialists biotechnologists was carried out at the same year. From next year the part of department was allocated in a separate section  – department of biotechnology, on the basis of which the Ukraine's first faculty Biotechnology and biotechnics was created in 2001. Since 2001 the department  received the name "Industrial biotechnology" .

     Since 2006 the department is headed by the Dr. sci. biol., professor Dugan Alexey Martemjyanovich. The 3 professors, 5 associate professors, the senior teachers and assistants who are teaching the bachelors, specialists and masters in the specialty "Industrial biotechnology",  are in the staff of the department today.  

      The department prepared more than 500 specialists biotechnologists, 10 candidates of science during that time. Graduates of department have been working at the leading industrial enterprises biotechnological and pharmaceutical branch, at the university, have been creating the new preparations and technologies at research institutes of National academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

      It is possible to examine the scientific directions of researches of teachers and scientific student's groups of department HERE

More information You can find on the site of Departure