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About the faculty

Education direction 

        Specialty 7(8).05140101 "Industrial Biotechnology" 

      The educational processes is conducted on the budget and contract  base on three qualification levels - the bachelor, the specialist and the master. Preparation of candidates and doctors of science is carried out as well.

       Industrial biotechnology is the the branch of industry and sciences which is based on  microorganisms, cultures of plant and animal cells, as well as biological processes, for production  of valuable products.

      Industrial biotechnology provides the development of technologies and production of such products as bakery yeast,  organic acids, enzymes, antibiotics, amino acids, vitamins, bacterial fertilizers, veterinary preparations, hormones and so forth; creation of transgene microorganisms, animals and plants.

      Education. Future specialists biotechnologists actually get three educations: chemical, engineer,  biological. Except the general scientific and engineer disciplines, students of department study such disciplines as microbiology and virology, biochemistry, genetics, cellular and genetic engineering, immunology, the general biotechnology,  pharmaceutical productions and so forth.

      Employment.  The speciality of «Industrial biotechnology» provides scientifists and engineers of biochemical and chemical productions, the enterprises of the food industry, scientific and design institutions of a biological and chemical direction, an institution of sanitary supervision, company and establishment, which produced the food additives and veterinary preparations; control and analytical laboratories, the certification centers. Our graduateshave been working  at such enterprises as the Kiev plant of "Biofarma", JSC "Kiyevmedpreparat", FF "Darnitsa", JSC "Farmak", and in the Institute of Microbiology and Virology of NAN of Ukraine, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of AMN of Ukraine, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics and others.

       You will be able to learn more detailed information on specialty directly on Department of Industrial Biotechnology