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About the faculty

Information scientific work of department of

Bioengineering and Engineering


Scientific Schools and Projects

Scientific School under the guidance of prof. Karachun V.V. and prof. Miller V.M. "Noise and Vibration". Vibration flat and shell fragments under the influence of kinematic wave and spatial factors. Conditions of coincidence of the wave and spatial-frequency resonances. Implementation of acoustically-transparent structures.

Seminars, acting on Department

• « Dynamics mnohofaznyh of Mechanical Systems" Head - prof. Karachun V.V.,                 prof. Miller V.M.
• «The dynamics of mass transfer in apparatus for culturing cells" Head - prof. Ruzhynske L.I., Assoc. Burtna I.A.

Scientific work students

All students in the department Participate in the section "Biotekhnika and Engineering" under the scientific konfenentsiyi "Day of Science at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Bioengineering." Students participating in conferences and seminars, including at international conferences, seminars,

·         International youth scientific and practical. Conference. "Man and Space", Dnepropetrovsk

·         Scientific and Practical Conference "Instrumentation: Status and Prospects"

·         Materials INTERNATIONAL Zin. and practical. Conference. "Modern achievements nauchnыe 2007". - T. 7. Tehnycheskye science. - Dnepr-to: science and education

·         MaterialyczwartejMiedzynarodowwejnaukowi-prakt. konf. “Nauka: teoria i praktika -2007”. Tym 10. Techniczne Nauks. Fizyczna kultura I sport: Przemysl. Nauka I studya.

·         Int. Nauchnukovo - practical konferentsыya "Formation Modern Science-2007"

·         Conference "Science and Innovation" 2007 year.

·         International Scientific Conference "Nauchnыy progress at the turn tыsyacheletyy  2008 year/

·         21st International CODATA Conferense. Scientific Information for Society – from Today to the Future. Ukraine, Kyiv, Octoder 5-8, 2008 year.

·         IV Mezinarodny vedecko-praklicka konferen-ce “Aktualne problemy no-woczesnych nauk-2008”, 16 -31 czerwna 2008 year. Technike vedy.  Tym. 18. Prremysl. Nauka I studia Publishing House “Education and Science-2008”.

·         IVMezinarodnyvedecko-praklickakonfe-rence“Efektivninastrojemodernichved- 2008”, 03-15 kvetna2008 year. Tech-nike vedy. Dil. 17. Pracha. PublishingHouseEduca-tionandScience-2008.

·         IV mezhdunarodnogo scientific practical conference "Dynamics yzsledovanyya-2008", Volume 29. Technologies. Physics. Sofia. "Byal GRAD-BG" Ltd., 2008 year.

·         IVmezhdunarodnogoscientificpracticalconference "ScientificofspaceforEurope2008", 15-30 aprl2008first-Din. Technologies. Volume27.Sofia, "ByalGRAD-BG" Ltd., 2008 year.

·         IIIMiedzy-naro-dowej naukowi praktycznej konferencij “Strate gicznep ytanias wiatowe jnauki - 2008”, 15-28 lutego2008 year. Tym 8. Chemia i chemiczne tech. Ekologia.: Przemysl. Nauka I studia.

·         IVMezinarodnyvedecko-praklickakonfe-rence“Vedaatechnologie: krokdobudoucnosti- 2008”, 1-15 brezen2008 roku. Zemedelstvi. Zvero-lekarstvi. Biologicke vedy. Chemie a chemicka technologie. Dil. 15. Pracha. Publishing House “Educat-ion and Science”.

·         X International Youth NPK "Man and Space", 9-11 April 2008 year - Dnepropetrovsk: NAECUY.

For achievements in scientific work, students received awards in 2007year:

·         Diplomas Scientific Society undergraduate and graduate students for active participation in research and invention of the awarded students: Kostik S.I, Shybetskyy V.Y., Heiko M.O.

·         Diplomas II degree, as winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research in the natural, technical and humanitarian work in science "Aviation and raketnokosmichna technique. Air navigation." Borisenko A.A. and Ignatov, I.A. (2006 year)

·         Diplomas II degree, as the winner of the All-Ukrainian konkursuproektiv stud. Zabroda A.A.

·         Diploma awarded by the Rector Scholar stud. Kostik S.I.

·         Diploma of the winner of the Small Academy of Literature and Journalism awarded by the stud. Kolesnik M.M.

In 2008 year the Diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council awarded students:

1. Kovalets O.Y. group BI-21
2. Bondarenko N.A. group BI-31
3. Kostik S.I. group BI-31
4. Shybetskyy V.Y. group BI-31
5. Sokolova S.P. group BI-41
6. Litvinenko D.V. group BI-51

For 12 years, personal scholarships intended for students:

Scholarship of the President of Ukraine:

I. Ignatov -                 2006 year.
A. Kovalets -               2006 year.
M. Heiko  -                 2008 year.
M. Kolesnik -               2008 year.
K. Kuz'menko -           2010 year.
D. Litvinenko -            2010 year.
A. Zabroda -               2011 year.
L. Rudenko -               2012 year.
S. Fesenko -                2013 year.


Scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine:

A. Borisenko -            2003 year.
D.Cherednychenko -   2008 year.
V. Kovalchuk -           2008 year.



Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:

D. Litvinenko -           2009 year.

Scholarship of the Kyiv Mayor:

A. Piece -                    2004 year.
I. Prokhorenko -           2004 year.
N. Gres -                     2006 year.
D. Litvinenko -             2007 year.
K. Kuz'menko -            2007 year.
M. Kolesnik -               2009 year.
D. Cherednychenko -   2010 year.


Scholarship of the Rector of NTUU "KPI":

S.Pavlenko -              2006 year.
C. Kostik -                 2006 year.
O. Savchenko -          2008 year.
N. Mikhaylenko -         2009 year.
K. Kuz'menko -           2009 year.
A. Kryvets -               2009 year.
D. Cherednychenko -  2010 year.
A. Kryvets -               2010 year.


Scholarship of the deputies DA Andriievskii:

D. Litvinenko -           2010 year.
K. Kuz'menko -          2010 year.
D. Cherednichenko -   2010 year.
A. Zabroda -              2011 year.
L. Rudenko -             2012 year.
S. Fesenko -              2013 year.


Personal scholarships Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists appointed:

Associate Professor V. Melnik -        2003-2005 years.
Associate Professor V. Melnik -        2005-2007 years.
Postgraduate student O. Kladun -     2008 2010 years.
Assistant О. Kovalets -                      2011-2013 years.


Diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine awarded:

Assistant О. Kovalets -          2010 year.
Student А. Fomenkova -       2012 year.
Student I. Berezyuk -           2012 year.
Students M. Murashko -        2012 year.


Award Recipients are:

 National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Associate Professor V. Melnik -          2006 year.
postgraduate student O. Kladun -     2009 year.
postgraduate student O. Kovalets -   2011 year.

 Kyiv Mayor:

stud. O. Kovalets -                 2005 year.
stud. V. Shybetskyy -             2006 year.
stud. L. Dashevsky -               2007 year.
stud. J. Voronet -                  2007 year.
stud. O. Kryvets -                  2010 year.
stud. A. Zabroda -                 2010 year.

 Rector of NTUU "KPI":

stud. N. Mikhaylenko -           2009 year.
stud. O. Kryvets -                 2009 year.
stud. K. Kuz'menko -             2009 year.
stud. E
.Morozova-               2010 year.


Awarded Diploma scientific community and graduate students of NTUU "KPI":

 2006 year -      I. Ignatov

S. Pavlenko
A. Borisenko
O. Kovalets
C. Kostik
V. Shybetskyy
M. Heiko

              2007 year  -     S.Kostyk

D. Litvinenko
D. Cherednychenko

                          2010 year -      L. Kostyanets

D. Litvinenko
N. Mikhaylenko


Received diplomas with honors:


 2007 year -      A. Borisenko

I. Ignatov
I. Prokhorenko
S. Pavlenko
N. Skochko
O. Shmatok

 2008 year -      E. Bondarevskaya

J. Voronet
L. Dashevsky
N. Zamana

            2010 year -      M. Kalinin

2013 year -      I. Berezyuk






2009 year -      S. Kostik

V. Shybetskyy


2010 year -      N. Mikhaylenko

Y. Karpenko


2011 year -      O.Kryvets

K. Kuz'menko

D. Litvinenko
D. Cherednychenko


2012 year -      A. Zabroda

O. Rezenchuk


Lord of the honorary grants are:


Associate Professor V. Melnik - Grant of the President of Ukraine (2007year)
Postgraduate student O. Gusarova - Grant Rector of NTUU "KPI" (2008, 2009 years)
Postgraduate student O. Kladun - Grant Rector of NTUU "KPI" (2008 year)
Postgraduate student O. Kovalets - Grant of the President of Ukraine (2011 year)