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About the faculty


Department of Bioengineering and Engineering created the Order of the Rector of NTUU "KPI" in January 2001 as a structural unit of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Bioengineering National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". 

This decision was taken in accordance with the requirements of the present priority of development in our country modern biotechnology.

      Application of biotechnological origin matters is the foundation of modern civilization. Obtaining these producers to be accompanied by technical and scientific support for the most diverse purpose.

      Thus, the production of commonly used devices for growing biological agents and apparatus for processing biological mass; in the pharmaceutical industry - machinery for synthesis, purification, and a finished dosage forms; in medicine - equipment for life support of donor organs and cells of living organisms, transfer of body fluids, accurate and continuous dosing of drugs of complex biological and biochemical analyzes and tests; in science - a technique for cloning, artificial insemination, various manipulations with cell organoids;

significant gain in power distribution system for the recycling of household organic waste into biogas. A landmark development in biotechnology can be considered its "going out" into space. It microgravity space and other factors appear most favorable terms of dealing with such fundamental problems as growing high-quality protein crystals for pharmaceutical research and obtaining laboratory samples of three-dimensional tissues.

      Engineering world renowned manufacturers of special equipment characterized by high levels of engagement achievements not only of modern technology, but also achievements in the field of pharmacy and biotechnology. Accordingly, at the Department organized to meet the requirements of future specialists mastering the theoretical basis and practical skills in both strategic directions. Modern technology should not only professionally operate and provide quality service, but also qualified to design, integrate into flexible production lines and make them involving complex automation systems and robotic systems.

      At present, the Department aims to train professionals in the three educational levels - Bachelor, Specialist and Master - within the area of training, 6.050503; 7.05050314 Engineering specialty equipment - pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Licensed estimated at 30 people full-time, 20 people distance learning (Order of the Rector of NTU "KPI" № 1-4 on January 14, 2003).


                                                                          Student A.Borysenko protects degree in English


For success in training and active participation in the life of the department and faculty to many students and young researchers appointed personal academic scholarships:

- Scholarship of the President of Ukraine - 8;

- Scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine - 3;

- Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - 4;

- Scholarship Rector of NTU "KPI" - 9;

- Scholarship mayor of Kiev - 6.

Prize winners were young scientists:- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists – 2;

- Kyiv Mayor - 6.


Students Kuz'menko K. and D. Litvinenko during the awarding of Kyiv state administration.More than 50 patents of Ukraine received the students of the department. 12 students were awarded honorary diplomas Scientific Society undergraduate and graduate students of  NTUU "KPI".

The award winning R & D projects of young scientists under the motto "The intellectual potential of young scientists - the city of Kyiv" and "Smart young - at the service of capital", held by Kyiv City State Administration, along with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are more than 30 students.


In 2007, students I. Ignatov, A. Borisenko, in 2011, A. Zabroda students were awarded Diplomas of Education of Ukraine as winners of second degree Ukrainian competition of student research papers. In 2009 gr. BI-51 won first place in the competition NTU "KPI" for the best academic group.


Diplomas winners hands Rector, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.Z. Zgurovsky