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About the faculty

KOVALETS Olga Yakivna – assistant department.

    In 2008 year raduated with "Honours" NTUU "KPI" in "Hardware pharmaceutical and microbiological industry." Scholarship of the President of Ukraine. Winner of the Kiev mayor. Multiple award winning science and technology projects under the motto "The intellectual potential of young scientists - the city of Kyiv." Awarded Diploma of Scientific Society undergraduate and graduate students of NTUU "KPI".

Assistant Department since 2008 year duate student of NTUU "KPI" distance learning, working on his thesis. In 2010 year she was awarded the Diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for a series of research papers on science. Winner of NTUU "KPI" in the "Young teacher-researcher" in 2009 year. In the 2008/2009 academic year - winner Grant Rector of NTUU "KPI" for financial support of research.

Creative heritage O. Kovalets is 58 publications, of which - 2 monographs, 3 - Patents Ukraine.

Research interests - study and mathematical description of the influence of disturbing factors on different physical nature poliahrehatni mechanical structure.

Provides instruction following academic disciplines:

- Processes, apparatus and equipment industry;

- Calculation and design of typical equipment;

- Calculation and design of special equipment;

- Theory of automatic control;

- Fundamentals of modeling;

- Scientific management thesis project educational qualification "Bachelor" and "Specialist".