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About the faculty

     MELNIK Victoria Mikolaevna – head of department, doctor of technical science, professor, excellence in education of Ukraine.

      Graduated in 1997 NTUU "KPI" specialty "Automation of chemical processes." In September 2001 she defended her thesis and became the first zahystyvshymsya postgraduate department. In 2003 he received the rank of associate professor. In May 2009, defended his doctoral thesis. Creative heritage of more than 500 scientific-technical publications, of which - 20 monographs, 1 - tutorial labeled with MES of Ukraine, more than 40 patents of Ukraine. Academician of International Academy of navigation and traffic control. Citation index in the Google search engine is 38.

Scientific interests the study outlines the impact of disturbing factors on different physical nature poliahrehatni mechanical structure.

Double Fellow of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists. Winner of the National Academy of Sciences Ukraineand 2006 year

Order of president Ukraineand 2007 year appointed Grant President of Ukraine to implement creative ideas. Awarded nominal clock "From the President of Ukraine."

Secretary of the expert-qualifications committee of faculty. Curator academic group that won in 2009 year, first place in NTUU "KPI" in the competition for the best academic university group.

She was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Diplomas Academic Council of NTUU "KPI", Kyiv City State Administration diplomas as a result of many contests scientific and technological projects under the motto "The intellectual potential of young scientists - at the service of capital!".

The main lecture courses:

- Theory of Mechanisms and Machines;

- Equipment for packing and packaging of pharmaceutical and microbiological production;

- Reactors biotechnology industries;

- Automation of pharmaceutical and microbiological industries.