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About the faculty

POVODZYNSKYY Vadim Mikolaevich - candidate of technical sciences.

     Scientific use of more than 105 scientific papers and teaching materials. Has 11 copyright certificates and patents in the area of improving equipment and facilities biotech industries.

Author of the monograph, three tutorials and two lectures in the design and vodoochyscheni bioenergy, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, and technical microbiology.

In scientific work being done involving postgraduate and masters, the main focus of research and application of industrial design and is using fermenters for the cultivation of microorganisms and cell cultures producers of biologically active substances.

He carried out research work in the field of study and technology development and selection of equipment for alternative energy.

Ongoing research in the field of biosafety biotechnology and pharmaceutical production and operation of industrial microbiology laboratories. Teaching Experience combines the work of the State Expert Center MoH Ukraine. Participates as a guest lecturer Affiliates "National Training Center Good Manufacturing / distributor yutorskoyi practices" State Enterprise "Ukrainian Institute of Pharmacy as" where is the main focus of the analysis and organization of biotech and pharmaceutical industries in accordance with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

The Department enables teaching these subjects:

- Equipment aseptic and aseptic production;

- Equipment for biotechnological purification of water;

- Equipment and design in bioenergy and vodoochyscheni;

- Design of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.