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About the faculty

    KOSTYK Sergii Igorevich - assistant of department.

    A graduate of the department in 2009, master's degree with honours in «Equipment of pharmaceutical and microbiological industry».

From September, 2009 works at the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics NAS of Ukraine, presently at the position of junior research scientist in the department of Heat Exchange in Dispersion Systems. In autumn 2013 finished the postgraduate studies in speciality «Technical thermophysics and industrial heat», prepares to the Ph. D. defence on the topic of «Heat and Mass Transfer technology and equipment to intensify the process of methane fermentation ».
From September, 2013 works in the department of Biotechnics and engineering as an assistant. Works on the research of energy-saving technologies, untraditional power mediums, processes of dehydration (concentrations) of thermolabile materials, and also those in which the method of discretely-impulsive input of energy is realized (DIIE). Now scientific achievements of assistant S.I. Kostyk are: 8 scientific and technical articles, 6 useful model patents of Ukraine, 1 invention patent of Ukraine, and also 12 abstracts at national and international professional conferences. Awarded the diplomas of Kiev city state administration for scientific and technical projects in competitions «Intellect of youths - on service of the capital» - in 2006. Twice, in 2005 and 2007, was presented the Diplomas of scientific society of students and graduate students of NTUU «KPI».

Curator of the academic group - BI-31. 

Provides teaching of the following disciplines: 
- "Calculation and design of standard equipment" 
- "Processes and machines of biotech industries" 
- "Fundamentals of modeling" 
- "Calculation and design of special equipment"