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About the faculty

Dzygun Larysa

senior lecturer, department of Industrial biotechnology.

Works on a department since 2001.

The previous place of employment. Worked as an engineer at the department of General and bioorganic chemistry since 1997, then at the department of Industrial biotechnology.

Education. Graduated from National technical university "KPI" in 1999with a degree in chemical-engineering-technologist on speciality “Biotechnology”.

Educational work.

Carries out guidance diploma works and projects of students. Teaches disciplines of "Mycology basics", "Basics of industrial biotechnology and pharmacy".

Methodical work. Dzygun L. carries out the duties of methodist of the department of Industrial biotechnology.

Scientific work.

Research interests;

- biotechnology,physiological-biochemical features of higher basidial mushrooms.

Finished postgraduate study at National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.G.Holodny Institute of Botany in "Mycology" in 2004

Published 35 scientific and methodical works, of which 22 theses at conferences and congresses, 8 articles and 5 teaching aids.