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About the faculty

Dugan Alexey Martemyanovich

Head of the department, dean of faculty, professor of department of industrial biotechnology, Dr.Sci.Biol., professor.

Works in the department since 2001.

The previous work places: scientific center of medical genetics of Institute of hygiene and medical ecology of AMN of Ukraine, head of laboratory of bioindication of mutagens.

Education. Graduated from biological faculty of the Moscow State University of M.V.Lomonosov in 1978, having received speciality the biochemist in "microbiology". Scientific degree – the Dr.Sci.Biol. in "genetics", an academic status – the professor of Industrial Biotechnology department.

Teaching work: lecture courses «Factors of the successfuly employment by the speciality»,  «Biology of perfumery-cosmetic means», management of degree and master's theses of students.

Methodical work. Dugan O. M. is the member of the scientific and methodical commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine  to the direction "Biotechnology", takes part in development of normative documents. The vice-chairman of a specialized academic council of 26.604.02 on protection of master's and doctoral dissertations, and also the member of editorial council of scientific  journal.

Scientific work. The sphere of scientific interests is:

 - research in the field of  microbial synthesis of alternatives energy and vitamins;

 - development probiotic  preparations on the basis of Lactobacillus microorganisms ;

 -  and assessment of mutagen and potential cancerogenic activity of environmental pollution.

Takes part in work of the international scientific and technical conferences.

Directs preparation of graduate students.Published 155 scientific and methodical  works , including is the coauthor of three collective monographs.