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About the faculty

Zholner Liliya

Powered by the department since 1992.

Previous jobs: since 1977 to 1991 worked in the Department of Biochemistry of microorganisms Institute of Microbiology and Virology of Sciences of Ukraine. Since 2002 to 2004 worked at the Faculty of Management Academy of Municipal Management, which during operation served as associate dean of educational work. Since 2005 return to the "KPI" at the Department of Industrial Biotechnology. While working at the department perform required FBT Relations associate dean of distance learning and associate dean of educational work.

Education. She graduated in 1977  Kyiv Institute of Food Industry by the speciality "Technology bakery, pasta and confectionery." In 1989 was protected  PhD thesis: "Lytic enzymes of some thermophilic bacilli" and received a PhD degree in biological sciences.

Teaching work. Teaches subjects: "Cell biology", "General Immunology" and "Biotechnology Food Industry" and provides methodological support these items. Manages degree and master's students work.

Research work. Is a leader of the GDR "Experimental and theoretical study to develop technologies and immunological diagnostic products," manages the circle, in which students work on the theme "Proteolytic and amylolytic enzymes of thermophilic spore bacteria of the genus Bacillus".

Educational work. LG Zholner is the curator of the BT-21.

Published 74 scientific works, including one's certificate, two patents and seven manuals.

L.G. Zholner is the responsible person for the practical trainiang (manufacturing, pre-diploma practice)  and the research practices masters.