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About the faculty

Кlechak Inna Rishardivna

Vice-Dean on educational and methodical work, Ass. professor of the industrial biotechnology chair, candidate of technical Sciences. 

Working at the chair since 1996.

Previous place of work: M.G.Kholodny Institute of Botany  Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Institute of grapes and wine «Magarach» UAAS.
Education: She graduated from biological faculty of T.G. Shevchenko Kiev state University  in 1985 and received a qualification “Biologist and geneticist. Teacher of biology and chemistry”, post-graduate and doctorate courses of the Institute of grapes and wine «Magarach» UAAS.
Scientific degree - candidate of technical Sciences on a speciality“ biotechnology”, academic rank - Professor assistent of the industrial biotechnology chair.
Educational work. Read the lecture courses “Genetics”, «Fundamentals of genetic and cell engineering». Conducts practical and laboratory studies on the following disciplines. Also supervises diploma robots bachelors, specialists, masters.
Methodical work. Klechak I.R. - Deputy Dean on educational and methodical work,
a member of the scientific-methodical Commission of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine on specialty „Biotechnology”, takes part in the work of the Methodical Council of the University, is headed by the methodical Commission of the faculty, Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council of the faculty.
The scientific work. Under the leadership of Klechak I.R. defended Ph.D. dissertation, is carried out by management of post-graduate students.
Klechak I.R. is the author of more than 100 scientific works (including 12 copyright certificates for inventions, 1 monograph) and 11 educational-methodical works, a developer of State standards of higher education directions of «Biotechnology».