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About the faculty

Todosiichuk Tetiana Sergeevna,

associate professor of the Industrial Biotechnology department, PhD in technical sciences, vice-head of department, vice-dean for the work with the students. .

Works at the department since 1993.


Graduated of the Kiev institute of food industry in 1992, having received qualification in "Technology of microbiological productions". Scientific degree – PhD in technical sciences in "biotechnology", an academic status – the associate professor of the industrial biotechnology department.


Lecture courses: «General biotechnology», «Base of the pharmaceutical productions». Gives laboratory classes in the specified disciplines, the management of degree and master's theses of students.

Methodical work.

Todosiichuk T.S. is the secretary of the scientific and methodical commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine by the direction "Biotechnology", the member of the Academic council of faculty, vice-head of department, vice-dean for the work with the students.

Scientific work.

The sphere of scientific interests is research in the field of microbial synthesis of enzymes and the antibiotics, the modified biologically active agents, ready forms of biological products. Directs scientific work of students and graduate students. Under the direction of Todosiichuk T.S. the master's dissertation is defended.

Passed scientific training: in 2002 at Research institute of wool of Aachen (Germany), in 2005 at biological faculty at Minesoti's (USA) University. Published over than 60 scientific and methodical works, including 4 Patents of Ukraine and 8 methodical instructions. .