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About the faculty

Polischuk Valentina Yurevna assistant to chair of industrial biotechnology.

 Работает на кафедре с 2007 года.

Works at chair since 2007.


Graduated from National technical university of Ukraine of "KPI" in 1999, having received qualification the chemical engineer in "Biotechnology".

Previous places of work: Since 1999 worked at engineering positions at first on chair of the general and bioorganic chemistry of chemical and technological faculty, then on chair of industrial biotechnology.


Teaches the lecture course "Technology of Products of Microbic Synthesis". "Biotechnology of Food Productions", laboratory researches at the courses "General Biotechnology", "Bases of Pharmaceutical Productions", "Biotechnology of Agricultural Productions", "Biotechnology of Food Productions", "Technology of Products of Microbic Synthesis" conducts a practical training at the rate.

Directs degree projects of the educational and qualification level "bachelor" and "expert". Directs practicians of students.

Methodical work. V.Yu.Polishchuk is the secretary of the state examination committees of the educational and qualification level "bachelor" and "specialist".

Scientific work.

The sphere of scientific interests is physiolog-biochemical features and biotechnology of ascomycetes. Published 13 scientific and methodical works, from them 6 theses of reports at conferences and 3 articles, and also 4 educational and methodical grants.